Art Credit: Georga Morgan-Fleming
Simple pieces, basic elements, and star dust come together
And I am formed A collection of specs, momentarily bound A sandcastle; magical in its temporary splendor At any moment, a sweeping wave might wash this form away, leaving but a trace Somehow, here I am Prostrate Soon I’ll be gone
Being loved Learning Loving back Grabbing Fighting Being human Soon I’ll be gone
Caring Pulling together pieces of my own Placing pieces as best I can Soon I’ll be gone
Reaching for the stars Falling in love Plunging head first into an unseen sea Crafting sandcastles of my own; magical in a splendor of their own
Being a dad, finding my calling Working hard Failing Getting up Learning Inching forward Clawing Stealing second base Soon I’ll be gone
Grieving Seething Lashing out
Soon I’ll be gone
Witnessing, experiencing collateral beauty
Loving; loving overtly Creating Giving Giving back Reaching out Searching for beauty
Generating collateral beauty Soon I’ll be gone
Making part of the ant hill a bit more pleasing Passing the porch test Filling a shared space with love
The space blooming, the container expanding
Relishing the temporary splendor
Soon I’ll be gone
Then, the sandcastle washes away, drawn back to the sea
Simple pieces return from whence they came Yet I live; my voice now in your ear, perhaps accompanied by the trace of a smile For love lingers Oh please, if you will, hold my ghost gently Tuck his love in your pocket And count it as a limitless coin For this coin’s value increases with each spend
Oh, spend it freely For so long as you do, I’ll not be gone